How I sleep at night knowing I’m failing all my classes – Tymoff

How I sleep at night knowing I'm failing all my cl - tymoff

Student life is the most happening life. Good were the days when school bags were heavy but thoughts were lightweight. The academic rat race was hard to handle though. The insightful saying on Tymoff: “How I sleep at night knowing I’m failing all my classes” takes us back to that nostalgic life.

Getting up early crying and cribbing, attending all lectures, so many hands in a single lunchbox, naming our teachers, coming back home, playing with friends in the park, and then falling dead asleep at night. Ahh, and how can we forget that sinking feeling that I’m failing all my classes and waking up suddenly?

We all have experienced this, right? Well, while growing up although we don’t worry about scoring in class, we do worry about many other things that keep us awake all night. Adulthood is not easy, it’s even harder. But who said we can’t have a balance in life?

Understanding How I sleep at night knowing I’m failing all my classes – Tymoff’s Quote

Before jumping into any stress management tips, let’s first understand what’s causing this stress. Why failing in class didn’t let us sleep? What fears surround the mind and how to overcome them?

As a student myself, the most disturbing fear was disappointing my parents and teachers who put their hard faith in me. Sleeping with these thoughts, and overwhelming self-doubts was enough to disturb a good night’s sleep.

So many factors might be causing this fear and inability to catch up with the academic pressure. Many times the teaching style of the teacher felt inappropriate, and other times juggling so many things together at once took a toll.

These constant anxious thoughts disturbed the sleep cycle and the prominent fear of failing the classes took over. 

Now that we learned a few causes why this might be happening, let’s also find the solutions to overcome the anxiety and get back those peaceful sleep hours.

What Should You Do if Anxiety Hits You at Night?

When the human brain is at rest it works ten times faster. So many calculations, permutations, and combinations working all together in the brain make it an overwhelming experience.

Certain practices are proven to provide stress relief. And not to mention the impact of optimism. 

  1. Write down what’s bothering you. The best practice to fight anxiety is writing down your thoughts that hold you tight. Once noted, you’ll feel much lighter. Trust me this works!
  2. Spend some time alone all by yourself and with no one around. Being surrounded by so many people throughout the day can be overwhelming sometimes. Your body, mind, and soul need some quality time with yourself too. So, before you go to bed make sure to spend a few minutes in silence. 
  3. Indulge in some physical activity throughout the day. Be it a 10 minutes walk, or basic yoga. It’s scientifically proven that when a body is exposed to physical movement, it performs better and reduces stress.
  4. Take a cold shower before going to bed. This practice relaxes our mind and body and can help in reducing stress and tension build up in the mind and body.
  5. Practice gratitude. Instead of cribbing on what went wrong throughout the day, be grateful for things you were able to do. This is a simple practice but works wonders.


At last, “How I sleep at night knowing I’m failing all my cl – tymoff’s insight” throws light on the sensitive topic of how our daily chores can be stressful leading to disturbed sleep patterns. By following some basic practices, we can lead a healthy and balanced life. Life is uncertain but one who evolves with the changing scenarios ultimately survives the race.