Love What You Have, Before Life Teaches You To Lov – Tymoff

Love What You Have, Before Life Teaches You To Lov - Tymoff

It’s a famous saying that “We value things before getting them and after losing them.” We humans often tend to ignore the blessings we have in life and run behind things to obtain temporary happiness.

It’s easy to overlook what we have today and later know it’s worth it when it becomes a memory. It’s crucial to understand what affects this behavioral trait and why this generation is headed to?

The valuable quote “Love what you have, before life teaches you to lov – Tymoff” teaches us an important lesson that we should value and love what is provided to us before it’s too late to appreciate that blessing.

Why do We Take Things For Granted?

The world has evolved so much that kindness has become an underrated quality today. Nobody possesses qualities like kindness and gratitude. 

Due to this we often tend to take things for granted. When things are taken for granted there are high chances that they would not last for long. This affects our relationships to a greater extent. Problems like trust issues become prominent.

Tymoff’s quote: Love what you have, before life teaches you to love what you lost reminds us how we wait for things to go wrong and then realize what we lost instead of appreciating the blessings we have in life.

Understanding the Concept of Gratitude

Gratitude in simple words means a quality of being thankful and appreciating what you have. When you appreciate the little joys in life, life feels even more beautiful. 

Gratitude is not something hard to achieve. Just start feeling content with all the things that you have rather than cribbing on what you are deprived of. When you see life with an optimistic approach, you can feel the positive change with every passing day.

Love what you have, before life teaches you to lov – Tymoff 

It’s more important to love what you have right now than to regret it later. In our day-to-day life, you can see how appreciating simple actions can create a happy environment. 

For instance, when was the last time you praised your mother that the dinner was delicious? When was the last time you appreciated your kids for their academics? When was the last time you looked up in the mirror and appreciated yourself that you are doing good?

Isn’t it obvious that we often take things for granted that we easily get? Our mother cooks for us daily because it’s her job to do that, right?

Our partner loves us because it’s his duty.

These notions need to change only then can this place b a better space to live. It’s very important to appreciate things in life. It keeps the spark in relationships alive and provides peace and contentment.


Remember next time when you find yourself taking things for granted, just count the blessings you have and then react. Learn to appreciate the efforts that a person makes to make things work. Learn to appreciate life and see the magic happen.