Meet Nala Cat: The Instagram Star With A Ton Of Followers – Tymoff

meet nala cat: the instagram star with a ton of fo - tymoff

Among the many famous animal Instagram accounts like Jiffpom and Juniperfoxx, another Instagram sensation is going viral for her fluffy and adorable personality. Meet Nala Cat: The Instagram Star with a ton of followers.

It’s quite interesting to see how pet owners post their pet’s everyday routines online and go viral. Animals are adorable and hence, the audience loves these kinds of pages so much.

Nala Cat’s Instagram profile gained attention in 2012. Not just that, Nala Cat is now the Guinness World Record holder for having the most followers among other Instagram cat profiles.

Journey Of Nala Cat – The Social Media Sensation

Nala Cat is owned by a loving lady Varisiri Mathachittiphan. Nala Cat came into notice when Varisiri used to post her cat’s daily activities and those cute whiskers on Instagram. Soon her profile started getting viral and reached a vast audience.

In 2012 Nala Cat was an internet sensation already. The Journey of Nala Cat started as a simple charming cat whose fluffy and fun appearance connected her to the audience and now she holds a massive Insta following.

Meet Nala Cat: The Instagram Star With A Ton Of Following – Tymoff

No wonder animal pages are so much popular on social media platforms like Nala Cat and Instagram. As of today, Nala Cat has 4.5 million followers on Instagram. Nala Cat is also a Guinness World Record holder with the most followers on Instagram as a cat.

Why is Nala Cat so famous?

Nala Cat is famous for her cuteness, carefree playful acts, her blue eyes, and her fluffy appearance. Many people find peace seeing her happily waving her tail. Not only Nala Cat is a popular social media sensation, but she also uses her fame to support a noble cause.

The money generated through Nala Cat’s social media accounts is used to support animal shelters and spread awareness for animal welfare.

Nala was previously a shelter cat herself, and now she’s helping other animals to get shelter. The Siamese/tabby mix Nala Cat runs her whole cat food brand, a range of merchandise with which she earned her owner $100 million (£84 million).


In conclusion, we can say that “Meet nala cat: the Instagram star with a ton of fo – tymoff” enfolds the journey of a charismatic animal sensation who is the inspiration for so many pet parents.

Seeing her journey from being a shelter cat to being this famous, we can see how social media stands as a powerful tool to voice up your opinions and spread awareness.