Is 47 Meters Down Based On A True Story?

Is 47 Meters Down Based On A True Story

Are you a person who loves the ocean and wishes to dive into the deepest of the ocean? The movie 47 Meters Down might bring fear to you but is the movie based on a real story, let us find out in this guide.

47 Meters Down is a horror and survival movie that narrates the story of two sisters who went on a cage diving experience in Mexico which led to an unforgettable tragedy. The dangers that divers face are mentioned in the movie 47 Meters Down.

The movie 47 Meters Down is inspired by shark attacks and the experiences of sea divers, but it is not entirely based on a real story.  

Is 47 Meters Down Based On A True Story?

The story that is narrated in the movie is entirely fictional and imaginative, as told by the writer and director of the movie, Johannes Roberts. It was a great success and they made sequels of the movie.

The story of the movie took inspiration from shark attacks and the dangers of diving into the sea. It shows how a minor mistake and lying about something can lead to major accidents and someone’s death. 

What Is The Plot Of 47 Meters Down?

47 Meters Down presents a very intriguing and serious plot and the ending of the movie is the turning point. Lisa and Kate are two sisters who went on Shark sighting and they lied to the Captian about being experienced Divers.

Unfortunately, the cage sinks to the bottom of the ocean, and both the girls were surrounded by a group of sharks. Then they struggle to swim to the surface while saving themselves from the sharks.

What Happens At The End Of 47 Meters Down?

47 Meters Down seems to have a very interesting yet confusing ending. We are going to explain to you the ending of the movie. Lisa and Kate were seen swimming to reach the top of the ocean and climbing up the boat. They both safely reach the top and are saved by some men but that is not the truth.

This was all the hallucinations of Lisa and it was revealed that she was still at the bottom of the ocean and her leg was pinned under the cage. On the other hand, Kate had already been killed by sharks. Lisa was rescued by the Coast Guards and then she began to realize the truth that her sister was already killed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Survived At The End Of The Movie 47 Meters Down?

At the end of the movie 47 Meters Down, out of both the sisters Lisa was the one who managed to survive while Kate was killed by a White Shark.

Where Can I Watch 47 Meters Down?

If you want to watch the movie 47 Meters Down, you can watch it on Amazon Prime Video.


The movie 47 Meters is not based on a real-life story but it is inspired by some real incidents. It brings a sense of fear and creates horror in the minds of the viewers. However, the movie warns people to be safe and alert while diving into the oceans.

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