Military Time Chart | How To Use Military Time Chart

Military Time Chart

Unlike the algebraic expressions that worked on assumptions, the military time chart is easy to learn and grasp. If you have been struggling to remember Military time, then let’s learn some basic tricks to get the idea.

Most people get confused about military time conversion because we are used to seeing 12 hands on the clock, unlike military time, which runs on a 24-hour clock. 

If you are someone associated with global airlines, or come from a military background then you must learn the Military time chart as it’s very helpful in conveying accurate timing. You do not need to memorize, just understand the basic conversion of hours.

Military Time Chart Basics

We all have used digital clocks in our lives. Just like the time is displayed in 4 digits on a digital clock, the military time chart also functions on 4 digits where the first two numbers indicate the hours and the last two indicate the minutes. 

To start easy 0000 or Zero-Hundred represents midnight and 1200 or Twelve-hundred represents noon. This means that any time given between 0001 and 1159 indicates “a.m.” time and the time between 1201 and 2359 indicates “p.m” time.

Don’t get confused, let’s break this into an example:

Anything that starts after 0000 like 0100 pronounced as Zero one hundred hours converts into 1 a.m., 0530 spoken as Zero five-thirty hours converts into 5:30 a.m., or 1000 that converts into 10 a.m. and in between the number 1159 indicates the “a.m.” timings.

Most people face problems with the p.m. hours. Just like on the civilian clock the time shown on the clock after 12 a.m. is 1 p.m., it’s the same with military hours. 1300 spoken as Thirteen hundred converts to 1 p.m., 1400 converts into 2 p.m. and so on. This series continues until the time says 2359 after which the a.m. hours start.

Let’s have a look at this Military time conversion chart and understand the conversion of our regular time into military time along with the way they are spoken.

Military Time Chart Conversion

How To Pronounce Military TimeMilitary TimeCivil Time
Zero hundred hours012:00 AM
Zero one hundred hours1001:00 AM
Zero two hundred hours2002:00 AM
Zero three hundred hours3003:00 AM
Zero four hundred hours4004:00 AM
Zero five hundred hours5005:00 AM
Zero six hundred hours6006:00 AM
Zero seven hundred hours7007:00 AM
Zero eight hundred hours8008:00 AM
Zero nine hundred hours9009:00 AM
Ten hundred hours100010:00 AM
Eleven hundred hours110011:00 AM
Twelve hundred hours120012:00 PM
Thirteen hundred hours13001:00 PM
Fourteen hundred hours14002:00 PM
Fifteen hundred hours15003:00 PM
Sixteen hundred hours16004:00 PM
Seventeen hundred hours17005:00 PM
Eighteen hundred hours18006:00 PM
Nineteen hundred hours19007:00 PM
Twenty hundred hours20008:00 PM
Twenty-one hundred hours21009:00 PM
Twenty-two hundred hours220010:00 PM
Twenty-three hundred hours230011:00 PM